Anime Central's new site is up and running already? Am I the only one really freaked out by the art on the frontpage? They remind me of living dollfie's.
What's up with the orange? I think it clashes big time, despite that being the colors that look very well together for the Chicago Bears & Fighting Illini. Perhaps it's the grey in the background? It just looks odd and out of place to me. I'm not very up on the formatting of the page, either. It loads then shoots out to fill the space whenever you click on a new link. Perhaps it's because I'm using ::shockshock:: the hated Internet Explorer or something.
At least
Registration is up. So I'm like, "No shit!" and stuff reading that and click to register (since the low rate expires this month, FYI) and then laughed. The link Error messages me because I guess whatever IE I have here at work is too olllld for this HIP site. I have never had that problem before with any site.
Ugh, why do we put up with the ACen crap year after year? It's because it's the closest large convention to me and I'm more likely to see all of you fine people there, that's why. So feel special; I do it for you!