Call me a safe bet, I’m betting I’m not.

Jan 23, 2004 22:28

So yesterday, I went to see Brand New :O

...Currently my 2nd favourite band ever :D; And probably will be for quite some time, if not indefinitely.

Went to see them with Rach, Aeresu and her school friend who was very nice but I probably scared/ disturbed :D; Apparently they - minus me and Rach - saw Garrett and Brian but they let them walk right past XD; Based on past experience - i.e most bands go to McDonalds up the road before a gig? :D; - me and Rach went to MaccyDs while Aeresu and her friend kept watch by the back stairs XD;
And sure enough, Vinny was in McDonalds. I knew it was him right off :D; But Rach was like “No it’s not” --;
“It’s him! He has the hat and everything! AND THAT’S HIS ACCENT!”
“...It was him, wasn’t it? :D;”
“YES! lksahda Let’s follow him :O”
So we did :D; Only Rach was too chicken to go over and say hi and kept saying “No, you do it”, but then so I was I :D; Anyway :X We stalked him all the way back to the tourbus and went over then XD; Got me some autographs and a photo :DDDDD... though Rach took it on her camera phone and it didn’t turn out very well :| Got one on my spiffays camera though of Rach and Vinny. I wuv my camera <3 Nyah, Vinny was so nice and funnays though XD; The church bell was going and he went “This shit goes on forever. [chuckles] No, seriously, it really does!” And when Rach was taking and photo and said did I want to get in on it, Vinny was like “YEAH. I’m not gonna take a photo aloooone, am I? :D” I got him to sign summat for Sarah-baka so she wouldn’t whine at me --; And he was like “What, she’s 10? :DDDD That’s cool”. I think he was surprised but chuffed they have fans that young.

I was disappointed with the merch stand - all the had were a few t-shirts [none of which were particularly nice], a hoodie and their debut CD, “Your Favourite Weapon” [which is the CD I already have. >_>;]. All Straylight Run had was 2 t-shirts and a hoodie. Moneen had loads of stuff but who really cares about them? xP I ended up buying the tour t-shirt [at least it’s memorabilia and I can always get a cooler one from the website] and a Straylight Run t-shirt because not only was I expecting good things from them, but it was SO PRETTAYS *-* It’s black and the print is all swirly and metallic bronze <3 And also in their favour, the guy selling Straylight Run stuff [who later turned out to be their drummer :O] was sooooo kyuute <3 I asked if they had small size, and he said “Yeah, we also have smaller than small, wanna see?” So I said yes, and it looked a better fit. And then he said “But we have a size smaller than this still! Wanna see?” So I ended up buying smaller-than-small. Wearing smaller-than-small does not make me thin; it simply means that I’m not a guy, which I’m quite glad about XD; But I was really flattered at the time <3

Moneen were the first act. When they walked on stage, I was sure they were gonna be some Korn [ew ew] rip-off [even worse] because… well, that was the impression their appearance gave me :3 But they weren’t actually that bad for a first act - not as bad as Lucky 7 anyway *snort*. But as I later said to Rach [who actually really liked them], although they were okay, that’s all they were - okay. For me, they sounded too much like a lot of other bands that I’m not really into anyway to be anything special.

Next up were Straylight Run, who I was really looking forward to - I’d read good reviews and heard that the main singer was John from the split-up Taking Back Sunday and another member was his sister. [Well, actually, I knew a guy from TBS was in it but didn’t know which until Aeresu told me :X SHAME ON ME.] I hadn’t heard any mp3s though. But I really, really liked them. They were really good. Their music could be classed as piano-rock - but at the same time, they had a completely different sound to SoCo which is definitely a good thing. I also really liked how Michelle sang some songs and John sang the others. All in all, whereas I wouldn’t say I worship them, I do really like them - I’d go and see them if they were headlining 8D; But while I enjoyed the act, I couldn’t wait for them to get off stage and BN to come out.

And finally, after a load of faffing about on stage, Brand New did come out. Without any sort of introduction they immediately started Okay I believe you but my tommy gun don’t. And were amazing. Each performance was as good, if not infinitely better, than the recorded version. The rest of the set list was like so, and in a similar order:

I will play my game beneath the spin light
Jaws swimming theme
Mix tape
Jude Law and a semester abroad
Seventy times 7
Soco amaretto lime
The boy who blocked his own shot
The quiet things that no-one ever knows
Sic transit gloria [Glory fades]

Everybody there knew every word to every song. I wasn’t quite sure how just having Vinny do the back-up vocals worked, but it did in the concert- the audience did any back-up vocals that Vinnie didn’t cover. It was particularly noticeable in Jude Law and a Semester Abroad when everybody was yelling “You’re never gonna get it right”. They played nearly everything I wanted to hear - although I would have liked to hear Failure By Design, Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis, Magazines, Moshi Moshi & Am I Wrong? - there was no way they’d have had the time to play everything and I was pretty happy with what WAS played. The Quiet Things... was incredible - I dunno how Vinny made the cool, metallic, under-watery, hollow sort of sounds with his guitar but it was just awesome. *____* I know it was him because Jesse said so and gave the proper term for it earlier but I forgot what it was, so bear with my illiteracy :D; I was also impressed by The Boy Who... - I wasn’t expecting them to play that, though I hoped they would, and was pretty impressed that Jesse had an acoustic guitar for just that one song.

As for the band themselves, it was a rather strange gig. As stated previously, they made no introduction of any sort until they were a couple of songs in. They didn’t say much in general... though they seemed to warm to the audience as the gig went on. Generally, I would say that Vinny was more of an entertainer than Jesse. I was particularly amused by his random silly dances and when he said in a high pitched voice between songs “Jesse? Jesse, you’re so beautiful!” XDD Jesse yelled “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIIEEEE!” at one point. He also said “Isn’t it hot in here? Don’t you guys think it’s hot? [Audience: Yeah.] Huh, you guys wouldn’t know hot if... if hot bit you in the ass!” and both him and Vinny turned to Brian at one point. “You okay Bri? You look great there! Looking good! I love your hair! That’s great lighting, you’re like a little god there, man!”

But by normal standards, it was still rather strange. They thanked the audience once, instead of 823562395 times. They didn’t speak much really. They left quite abruptly. And most noticeably, they didn’t go out and meet the fans after the show. I found it rather odd because Moneen and 1/2 of Straylight Run did, and Michelle said BN would be out soon - but they never appeared. In most cases, I would consider that rude, but I’ll count this as an exception; for one, they might not have been able to come out for reasons beyond their control - I mean, Vinny was out and about earlier. And even if they didn’t choose to come out, Jesse has never struck me as a meet-the-fans person, and I said so to Rach before we even went to the show. He doesn’t strike as an attention seeker or someone in it for glory or the adoration of fans - he even sings sardonically in once song “I’m paid to make girls panic when I sing”. The fact is, Brand New just aren’t that kind of band.

I’ve got some reallllly good photos actually [plus some really good ones of the DTR invasion tour which was also amazing <3 Rob from HIPV and alllll of TEN <3] but my camera isn’t compatible with this shite computer so I’ll post them when I get back to uni. Fear my mad, mad photography skillz. >D *cough*

Other than that:
I am perplexed how SOME of the images in my new layout word SOMETIMES. [Which only looks remotely nice in 1024 x 768, by the way] It’s so random and annoying but I think it’s just being pissy >_>; I could upload it all to and have no further problems if ONLY I COULD REMEMBER THE FECKING PASSWORD. Suki-chama~ help me ;-; *beg plead* Why do I always forget it? --; Surely it can’t be so hard to remember one stupid - but important - fecking words. I despair. I do.
And apparently the last fecking post was posted about 6 times. And I tried deleting it but it seems I deleted the one with comments on [gomen Suki-chan and Hiibaba XD;] AND there's still about 4 of the same post left. OH WELL, I GIVE UP. Anymore of this hassle, Mr.Journal, and I shall trade you in for a new one, sentiments or no :O
And Hiibaba >_>; You start listening to me young lady! [Or should that be old lady? x3] I give good advice :| Start taking it or I shall bap you! Now there’s a threat.
AND THE DEG PICTURE IS FINISHED, HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD. Or... just... not since I’m an atheist :D; I officially hate Die and Kyo for their hair and order that they change it right away. Or not because they look pretty with hair like that :D;

And so ends another long long post, AREN’T YOU GLAD I CAME BACK TO LJ? :DDDDD
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