
Sep 22, 2005 10:56

LJ Interests meme results

  1. belleville:
    my hometown from age birth to 18ish
  2. corner brook:
    where we all go to school! fun times!
  3. flute:
    i have played the flute for nearly 10 years....
  4. laughing cows:
    really funny thing to watch
  5. newfoundland:
    cool place to live
  6. parties:
    fun times, i guess...not as much on teh go as there used to eb
  7. pigs:
    i have 2 pet pigs back home...peaches & pumpkin,...they are the cutest, ever! i love em!:)
  8. pop:
    pineapple crush tower...OH yeah!
  9. shoes:
    i have over 30 pairs of them. i wear maybe....3 pairs
  10. studying:
    i do like school

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