Grenfell & the friggin CURLING CLUB :@

Sep 10, 2005 17:14

So I guess its time to write an actual post...

So we are here, and in 4103 which is an awesome spot to live, since felicia and amanda are right across the lawn and aaron is down teh path 2 seconds. his apartment shares a wall with our kitchen. Our roommates whom we didnt know, Karen Hancock and Kim Bruce, are very cool & nice girls. we all get along & i think this year wil lbe WAYYYYYYYYYYY better than friggin last year. ew last year. so yeah, hopefully all the fun times wont distract me from it is right now...haha. SO yeah i like my rooom how i decorated it, very fun. Haley seems to have adopoted Lily, which is funny. Andrew is at work right now, and starts class on Monday, and i am very happy he is settled and happy overall wtih everything.

My classes...I like 3 and dont like 2. I like Abnormal Psych, canadian prose, and english 2005. both the classes & the profs. I dont like Stats adn Shakespeare. ew. ew we ew ew ew ew ew. hate hate hate. full of raging hate.

ESPECIALLY shakespeare, because its in teh friggin CURLING CLUB. i swear i go to grenfell college, and not the corner brook curling club. woah. so yeah.

THe libryary is being sucky and not giving me the full 12 hours i always got up until now.

I am sad cause I think that i gaiend weight and i tmakes me cry and go nuts. but i cant stick with a diet, not until i get my car, cause there's no way to get vegetables every few days until then. so yeah. as soon as i get my car...its back on the diet. but the weird thing is, that according to my scale that was in storage, i gained 15 pounds. BUT, i dont feel like it and i know when i have gained 2 pounds let alone 15. and all my enw clothes i got for my new weight still fit, and my old clothes are still too big. So, i assuemd the scale got busted over teh summer while in storage. BUT, it gives my roommates the right number! so WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT is goign oN@??@?@??@? ist makign me carzy. and also, no one seems to have noticed that i dropped 15 pounds over the summer, so that also upsets me. Only dr janzen noticed. yay dr janzen.

well i am giong to cry about my weight and also simultaneously read That Summer In Paris. Only 200 pages to go today! jeez.

ok long post. thats enough for now. no one reads this anyway, not even my boyfreind. lol.

byebye to no one!

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