Jul 26, 2007 06:34
I've got all these ideas for post-DH HP fics, some of them are a bit cracky, most of them angsty because I am nothing if not the Queen of Angst. I haven't written true fanfiction in a long while. All of these fics would be short, less than a thousand words, one of them might be a proper one-shot. Still, I think the last time I really wrote some good sized fanfiction was right after Brokeback Mountain. Because I dork that hard.
So I've figured out something in relation to these fic ideas, and why they're taking the form they are, because seriously I've never been a fan of non-canon slash.
Until now, apparently.
I believe my sudden interest in Harry/Draco is a deep-rooted, instinctual rebellion against the idea of Harry/Ginny. I hate Harry/Ginny SO MUCH, I'm willing to pair Harry up with ANYONE ELSE, even Draco. Especially after DH, when it would be much more likely they might have some semi-civil interaction. See, it's ALMOST canon.
Also, the potential squick involved in most of these fic ideas is a rebellion against 6A/LJ and their continued refusal to clarify their ToS. No, REALLY clarify their ToS. Though... to REALLY rebel, I'd have to go a little further back, because by the end of DH, most of the main characters are 18, I believe, except Harry. If not 18, close enough.
But... that would mess with the canon too much! BUH. I have myself a moral dilemna. ^_^* Okay, not quite a moral dilemna.
Now I'm just babbling, so I'll shut up. All I'm saying is, don't be surprised if there are slighty cracky, angsty fics posted here in the future.