The all important question. More important than how Harry defeats Voldemort. More important than Snape’s loyalties. Even more important than who ends up together.
I've read in a million different places that Rowling has stated two of the main characters will die. Here’s hoping. I hate it when all the major players come out unscathed. Now, then we have to wonder about Rowling’s definition of “major character” is; are Molly and Arthur Weasley main characters? What abut Draco Malfoy, who has always been there on the sidelines tormenting Harry and his friends, but never really had anything significant to do until the last book. Or is she only counting the Trio?
Let’s hope not.
Well, let me say I don’t think “two major characters” is going to be the whole of the damage. I think we should expect to see a goodly number of side-character names come up on the roster of casualties, especially on the Death Eater side. The only good Death Eater is a dead Death Eater. Still, I wouldn’t expect the mantle of goodness to protect any of those random people we’ve come to love just for their mostly anonymous nature.
I don’t think it will be either Neville or Luna. I’m not sure even I, the Queen of Angst and Sadism, could handle killing off someone like Neville, who has so much to live for after this final battle. His confidence and magic skills will grow in leaps and bounds after participating in the defeat of the Dark Lord, and I’d hate to see that cut short.
Luna is too spacey to die. She might get injured, but then she’ll pull out a healing Snarkcrackle and be just fine.
I know there are people terrified that it will be either Ron or Hermione. This is the only place in fandom where I put my foot down. Neither of them can die because they BELONG TOGETHER. Damn it. Still, if it IS to be one of them, I’d say Ron. For one thing, I just can’t see her killing Hermione. Don’t know why, just can’t. For a second, those Weasleys could use some thinning out. Pardon me while I duck the thrown tomatoes.
Will Harry die? I think there’s a good 50/50 chance of Harry’s death. I waver on this one constantly. I really don’t know. On one hand, it’s a really good way of making absolutely certain there can be no more Harry Potter books, and it would prove to me that Rowling isn’t doing things just to please her audience (my faith was shaken after the Harry/Ginny fiasco). On the other, it would be bad form to kill him for no other reason than those two above, and it would be hard after the darkness of the last three books to do it in a way to make Harry’s death a symbol of hope rather than a depressing sob-fest. In the end, I just can’t be sure.
Snape, however, will die.
Of this, I’m about 80% positive. It is the only way for his story to end.
If, by some weird quirk of Rowling’s, he is actually loyal to Voldemort, then he will die because he has to, it’s the only punishment fitting enough. He will either die on the battlefield, or will be executed after capture. Azkaban is not longer the safest place to put convicted Death Eaters, and besides, the cold-blooded murder of Dumbledore would deserve no less.
If, however, he is NOT loyal to Voldemort (which is what I believe), then Snape will die doing something that proves once and for all the truth of his loyalties. This is the only possible way for Snape to ever prove himself. No one will believe him after what he did on the Astronomy tower. The only thing for him to do is give his life in pursuit of Voldemort’s destruction.
I don’t think he will die specifically saving Harry. That would be stretching things juuuuust a little too far, don’t you think?
No, Snape will die in some other way that helps bring down his former master, and that, my friends, is how it should be.
Hopefully, this afternoon on my return from work I will be squeeing happily and settling into bed to read and find out if any of this week’s theories were correct. I wouldn't expect to see me online at all until I'm finished.
Happy reading to all, and to all a good night!