In Goblet of Fire, there is the Triwizard Tournament, which is meant as a friendly competition between schools and above all, a method of bringing these different schools and their different students together. House Unity is a big, big theme in the books beginning mainly in Order of the Phoenix, when the Sorting Hat sings its song. Also in this book, we come to understand that Harry’s greatest power is that of love.
With themes like this, how could Harry possibly be alone when he faces Voldemort this time?
He always has before, but before Harry was part-savior, part-pariah. His status was never quite clear, for all that he survived Voldemort’s attack as a baby, no one could ever quite classify him. Outcast from the beginning for his fame, Harry’s continued one-on-one conflicts with the many manifestations of Dark Lord Voldemort didn’t help him gain credibility. It was important in that way, for through this he found out the measure of his true friends, those who would stand behind him no matter the danger or the darkness. Some of them he didn’t expect.
Now, however, everyone knows he was right all along. Everyone has to make a choice and make a stand on one side or the other. I think we will be quite surprised by who we find where. Especially when it comes to Slytherin.
House unity doesn’t mean only three of four Houses. Slytherin has always been portrayed o the surface as a House of Dark wizards and witches in training. We’ve never liked them, they’ve never liked us, and we’re just absolutely certain all of them are going to turn and stand behind Voldemort.
Well, except Slughorn. No Dumbledore, that one, but not a bad guy, either. Slytherin, perhaps, but still disgusted by the thought of Horcruxes and ashamed of having told Tom Riddle anything about them. Perhaps he’s a bit of a coward, but in the end I hope he’ll step up in an attempt to redeem himself.
Draco Malfoy. I’ll have more on him later, but for now he is important mainly for what he didn’t do in Half-Blood Prince. Slytherin through and through, but that didn’t automatically make him a murderer. Inducted into the Death Eaters, ordered around by Lord Voldemort, and above all the nastiest member of the current Slytherin sixth years, Draco Malfoy could not kill Dumbledore in cold blood.
Perhaps Draco will be the catalyst that brings Slytherin into the fight on the right side?
Whatever else happens, I don’t think Harry will be alone this time when he stares into the vertically slitted eyes of Lord Voldemort. I also don’t think it will be just Ron and Hermione with him. I suspect Neville and Luna will also be there, at the very least. My hopes are for more, for all those side characters we’ve been seeing through all the books to rise up and support Harry for this final confrontation, including the ones from Slytherin.
If not, at least he’ll have his truest friends there to remind him of that power he has that Voldemort doesn’t.