All My LiveJournal Friends Please Read!

May 08, 2011 22:22

Some while ago, I pointed out the truth to a friend of mine on here, who was not ready to hear the truth. He has since banned me from posting to his journal! This hurt me a lot! I cried over it! He loves the same things I do, MUSE, The Tenth Doctor, The Master...I wanted him to read my apology but I don't believe he did. I've since gone through my mail here and did find his post saying he thought I was insane and did'nt want me to darken his doorstep again! He did'nt even try to leave the door open for communication and that was rude and heartbreaking and now I'm just plain mad! So here's where you can help me out, so I can feel better and send my message to him loud and clear!
If you are friends with him and you are an AWAKENED MUSE FAN,
let him know that The New World Order is REAL and Matt's been resisting
them! Let him know that Matt is definately making fun of Atheists in the
song "Thoughts of a Dying Athiest"!
If you are a WHO fan, then tell him he's not acting at all like The Doctor would by blocking me! In fact, he's acting childish and arrogant!
If he thinks he can stop me from enjoying his art, then he's got another think coming! I will still visit his page and take whatever I
want! I will NOT be giving him credit since that's only a courtesy for
civilized people and friends!!!
His name is Von Gelmini and his journal is "Fingerpaintings of the
Insane" ironic! V_G_Graphics is his icon journal. If you want to unfriend him or stop watching him, that's up to you, I still list him as a friend ONLY because THAT'S what The Doctor would do! Thanks for reading and your help!

doctor who, muse, matt bellamy, von-gelmini, the master

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