Apr 08, 2007 09:57
been up since 5 cuz of a depressing nightmare last night... *sigh*
in the dream i called keith and he just yelled at me to stop calling him and never to talk to him... it hurt me so bad...
up till almost 3 weeks ago now keith called me every other day, so i was used to him calling it was comforting and i'd call him too. but now he has randomly stoped calling me for no reason at all. so naturally i've tried to get ahold of him, i've been callin every other day or so, but now its like once a week... i leave messages too be he hasnt called back at all. it has upset me so much that i cant concentrate on my work...
if he didnt want me to call he shoudl really just tell me, sure i'd hate to hear that too, and i'd be upset, but at least i'd know. *sigh*
i guess i should just erase him out of my life...