Feb 22, 2006 20:11
i really never write in here... but its a good way to take my mind out of the books that i'm forced to live in this semester hahhaa...
well, as all the profs say, this semester is the hardest, and i can see why.
6 classes(18 credits)+4labs+ "normal hw"+ reading = no sleep
it wouldn't be that bad if there wasnt so much writing with the fance lab write up we have to do AARRG its like writing a 10 page paper but with no BSing and having to find odd relations between weird functions of materials/soils/chemicals etc... errr and i have then 4 lab reports a week... its horrible...i get about 3 to 4 hours a sleep a night, and thats if i DONT take breaks... >< they need to lay off the work... rar... OR just make us go to school longer i dont care, i just wana live haha. oi
keith has been absolutely wonderful to me i've never been so happy to be with someone ^_^ he really does spoil me rotten lol... but then he says i do the same for him hahaha ^^
he got me a dozen of shiny light purple roses, a beauuuuutifulllll silvery gold necklace with a heart and little diamonds on it its SOOO preeetttty! *squeee* annnnnd he took me out to my favorite restaurant(RiRa) for valentines day. ^_^ i was so weirded out lol, im not used to valentines day and such and then at riras he was so cute^^ lol its not really a romantic restaurant obviously,cuz its a pub, but it was just cute how he wanted to make everything perfect ^^. kyeeeeee. he was upset tho before we left to eat because hieu accidently ruined the surprise that keith had gotten me something (th necklace). haha oh well ^^ i was still surprised ^^;;;;
keifers kafi and john chan all came and visited me this weekend too! i was so happy ^^ hehe i got to see my best buddies AND my cute fuzzy kitties ^^ hehehee i didnt get to go skiing with nicole like i said i was ... but thats ok i got my rest for once ^^
anywho....my classes have too much work... and thats all i have to say haha....so now im gonna try to finish my work.
-rin out!