I LOVE the Potter books. I also have too many HP icons to choose from.
My favorite is 4, which is why I hated movie 4 so much. I hadn't wanted to get into the books, and around the time I was gifted with 3 as a birthday present was when I had decided to give them a shot.
Azkaban was my intro, so I was excited to purchase 1 and 2. Goblet of Fire was the first new one to come out after I joined the fandom.
I tried, I really did, to come to terms with the movies. Goblet was the worst for me, but I tried to separate movie from book.
It just didn't work. I haven't even purchased 6 on DVD, and I swore off both parts of Deathly Hallows.
I listen to Mugglecast, the podcast for Mugglenet.com. Two of the cast we lucky enough to attend a random screening of part two. I HATE everything they did. Really, it hurt me physically to hear what they did.
That's why I made the .gif yesterday. I needed to channel my fangirly rage. XD
Nothing will compare to the midnight release I attended with Dan and Ashley.
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v16/Dragonessa/Book%207%20Release/ Nothing will compare with all the emotions I went through that morning, from 3 AM til 10 AM, as I finished the book, alone and crying and laughing and living and dying with these characters.
I just can't bear to watch these last two movies.
And I really encourage you all to read the books instead.