So I got the video I want. I cut it down to like four seconds and capped it the way I want it. Since its a video I ran it through Not only is it too small, but the weight is still too high. >.FUCKIN .GIFS HOW DO THEY WORK SOMEONE HELP ME ARGH
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Obviously we'll never know when he started abusing Nancy in conjunction to his brain damage, but the fact is there was brain damage that most likely caused him to do these horrible things.
His father was originally lost and looking for answers, but this answer came in the form of science:
"Benoit's brain showed the same kind of damage Bailes and his team found in four retired NFL players who also suffered multiple concussions and later sank into deep depressions and harmed themselves or others."
and the WWE's condescending statement on this information was just fucked:
I feel if they let his matches and the story stand as they do, and allow the individual to draw their own conclusions, it'd be better for all involved. The only time we hear about Benoit is when they censor him, they don't even attempt to let people turn it into a teachable moment.
But still, as much as I sympathize and as much as I want to forgive Benoit because I can see that this was a preventable accident, he still murdered a seven year old boy, and that isn't going away, and no matter what anyone does to defend him, I don't think many people are going to care. All they see when they see him is BABY KILLER. I think that trumps anything else anyone wants to say about him and goes to show that, compared to the Austin/Debra thing and other violence against women, this isn't about Nancy. It's about his son.
Plus, in WWE's defense, wrestling HAS gotten a lot safer since this whole thing. They have made changes. I just think this is so super fucked up and it's going to take more time before the public is ready to deal with it. Plus, honestly, if they started defending him publicly Nancy's family would probably sue their balls off. They still have a business to run, it doesn't always leave room for compassion.
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