I decided to stop by the website for the lite radio station I listened to all the time in Wilkes-Barre, Magic 93.
What memories it brings up! So many of the DJs are still there, including my morning show guy during my school days, Frankie Warren. Last time I really listened he just proposed to his girlfriend...
as I was typing this his promo came on the Listen Live I'm playing. OMG I missed him! XD
...anyway, according to the site he and his wife adopted a little girl from Guatemala recently. <3 I know it seems weird dorking out over a radio personality, but really I listened to him every morning for YEARS growing up.
I'm trying to plan for some fun this year. I definitely want to do AnimeNext in June with
beechan2 again, it was SO FUN!
The MLP Fair this year is being held in RHODE ISLAND! I don't know the particular plans right now as its not til July, but I'll be going by hook or by crook!
mustbejewel's Pony Meet in MD is in May and I also want to go again.
A little last minute, but there's a con in Connecticut I wanna try to attend next month:
http://uconatuconn.com/ The Nostalgia Critic is going to be attending, and
tmchiba plans on going as well. XD
I'm having trouble figuring out how I'm getting there. I'd rather NOT take off the Friday, but the buses only seem to leave twice a day, in time slots not conducive to me going to work. -_- Like 9:30 AM and 2:00 PM.
I may be able to do something like go to a different town and bus over, but I'm still confused. I fired off an email to one of the coordinators listed to see if they had suggestions or a carpool list.
Its free to attend so I registered, since if they get enough people the ON-CAMPUS HOTEL OMG SWANKY will give a block of rooms at a discount rate or something, I'm still confused on that. XD
Might not happen, but would be cool if it did.
Tomorrow, or later today since its almost 2 AM, Mom and I will hopefully be going to Target so I can possibly find some more Friendship is Magic MLPs.
For those who don't know there's a new MLP series being worked on by Lauren Faust:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Faust She's an animator and the wife of Craig McCracken of Foster's Home fame. The character of Frankie is based on her. She works on all his shows and her own ideas as well, and is doing a GREAT job on the series. Its SO much fun and if you care please check it out. It makes MLP animation AWESOME again!
These toys were first previewed at LAST YEAR'S ToyFair. Its almost ToyFair time again and they're JUST NOW leaking into stores. >.< I've found only two things:
the gift pack with molded hair:
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4193191 and the balloon:
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10946074 NO SINGLES, which drives me batty, but I see two more playsets are on the website now, so I have hope.
This is how I display my balloon, by the by:
http://twitpic.com/3omt17 Not that I know where I'm gonna PUT the rest, mind, but I NEED them! XD