So I saw Avatar twice last week.
It was amazing. Visually stunning and I don't wanna hear any bitching about the story being done before! XD
Stephen fuckin Lang is my new hero. I loved his performance as Stonewall Jackson in Gods and Generals, and to see him here in Avatar doing a total 90° as the Colonel. Everything the man did was gold, even though he just spit cliches. But with conviction and badassery! He was a total bad-ass and he can be my Papa Dragon ANY day! *slobbers*
Err...not that I supported his character morally or anything! XD In fact in the game you can choose sides, and Dan and I were joking that what side you chose would be a good compatibility indicator on the first date.
Giovanni Ribisi's character joined the list of characters that should die horribly right under the prison guard from The Green Mile.
I loved all the critters. And the flying scenes took my breath away.
I then went to see Sherlock Holmes a few hours ago.
I do wonder if Rachel McAdams's character was from Jersey because she couldn't do a British accent. XD She's quite pretty though, and I really want those period dresses.
I'm a horribly excitable little fangirl.
In other news, tomorrow we're headed near Philly to visit my mom's sister, who's in from Greece to visit her husband and son. They live there because...a job? There's few opportunities on the island? A pension thingy? I'm rather unsure. Aunt Helen, mom's sister, lives back in Greece (Kos is the island) with her daughter and her husband and their two sons.
The middle son is going to school here in the states for graphic design and computer programming stuff.
They live 45 minutes away from Steve, so he's gonna attempt to meet up with us. I haven't seen him since August.
This year was rough. I'm very lucky to have a job in a small business in a failing economy, I know that.
Dad's being moronic and thinks I could get better money elsewhere.
I'm not that good a worker. I'll fucking keep going and do my best, but I can't do things fast. My BossLady has been amazingly patient with me, and can work with me in a way I know many places would not have the time and heart for. I have some tiffs with co-workers, but fuck, who doesn't?
I like it. <3