today's to-do

Aug 12, 2007 09:35

Photo upload by sailor ripley.

This picture is an action shot. Last week jd and I alphabetized all the books in the apartment. OH MY GOD, it was so much fun.

Here is what I'm doing on this fine, sunny Sunday:

  1. Help
    herownsociety move to the apartment next door by rigging a pulley from the balcony and roping her ginormous desk and other large furniture then hoisting, hoisting, pull, PUUULLLL F*CKER PULLLL!ING it up to her apartment. Whoever built the stairway was high on whatever Alice drank--it's so steep, narrow and rickety even an able-bodied human can barely make it up.
  2. Learn how to walk on stilts.
  3. Read Tortilla Curtain perhaps while eating a tortilla.
  4. Proofread some stuff.
  5. Talk about Tortilla Curtain at our first official book club gathering.

tortilla curtain, life, sundays, books

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