(no subject)

Oct 14, 2008 20:55

Once you've been tagged, you have (well, are supposed to, most of you will probably ignore this (guilt trip, guilt trip!)) to write a blog with 11 random facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 11 people to be tagged and why you picked them. Don't forget to leave those people a comment with "Tag, You're It!" and "Please Read My Blog". You can't tag the person who tagged you, so when you are done, let me know you have posted your blog so I can read your answers.

1.] As much as I love Photoshop, I prefer drawing in simpler programs, like Oekaki and Painchat, along with OpenCanvas.

2.] When I was younger, I decided that I wanted to get married by the age of 25. See how well that's working? At this rate, I'm not getting married.

3.] Remember that one kinda sensitive lj post I had? I haven't told anyone outside who read that.

4.] I only post about 2% of what I draw onto Deviantart. That other 98%? It doesn't matter.

5.] I really really really wanna get my license and move out of the house. But I'm afraid of what might happen to my parents if I leave. :( ...Also I can't afford it.

6.] I have scads of my childhood toys stored upstairs, waiting to be passed down to the kids I'm not going to have.

7.] I'm really really jealous of Kelly and Susan's writing abilities. Not to mention all these people in the Phoenix Wright communities that can both draw and write wonderfully. I feel like I can barely put my thoughts into words on a normal basis, how can these people put others' thoughts into words? And this one girl is several years younger than me, draws better than me, and only does so because she's good at it. She doesn't even like drawing. :(

8.] Sometimes I just don't feel like dealing with you, okay?

9.] I hate large groups of people. Whether I know these people or not.

10.] I don't think I have the ability to truly trust someone. Ever. Sorry guys, but I no matter how long I've known you, I know you're going to leave me some day. I want to leave you before you leave me.

11.] Sailor Nova isn't the only name I use.

And thusly, I tag: (too lazy to message you so pay attention)
1. GoddessofVenus2U because you need to post more.
2. tattoodreamer because I wanna see how many secrets she's been keeping from me.
3. paradoxymoron because I wanna gang up on him with vanna
4. fujy50 for we need to leave more comments
5. hayamakun because he was in this spot on Vanna's
6. lafielelric because she's good at stealing my memes and quizes
7. lone_enigma though she won't see this.
8. shyranger because he owes me child support
9. belldandychan because I can
10. I'm just filling this space
11. I'm so lonely won't someone be my friend?


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