
Feb 12, 2008 00:12

Holy f**knuts. A tree fell down, in the street behind where I live O_O

And it took a stobie (power) pole out with it, which in turn took the power out. The tree and pole were both lying in the middle of the road.

So… Just as I was all set to start watching Supernatural (after it’s long absence from our TV screens), I hear this sudden “WHOOOSH!” noise, and then the power went out…


It’s back on now, after 2 hours. Clean up crew is out there, fixing everything up, chainsawing the tree and whatnot.

Ooooh does anyone out there have a MegaUpload or SendSpace file of the season 3 Supernatural Christmas episode perchance? LOL! I would be ever so grateful ;) (I don’t want YouTubeness, though - want all in one hit and good quality. That’s the only way to watch SPN in my book.)

So yes… an eventful night X_X I should be in bed but I left a friend on a message board in the lurch and wanted to explain my sudden disappearance before going to bed, LOL!
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