1. Am I cute?
2. Am I hot?
3. Am I sweet?
4. Am I crazy?
5. Am I lovable?
6. Am I funny?
7. Am I annoying?
8. Am I psycho?
9. Am I daring?
10. Am I a good person?
Would You...
11. Hug me?
12. Miss me if I was gone?
13. Listen to my problems?
14. Hug me if I cried?
15. Be a good friend?
16. Ever go out with me?
17. If you already have would you do it again?
18. Kiss
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2. Am I hot? hecks no!
3. Am I sweet? IF I WANT MONEY!
4. Am I crazy?kinda... mayb...lol.
5. Am I lovable? depends
6. Am I funny? sure
7. Am I annoying?YUPP
8. Am I psycho?kinda
9. Am I daring?yupp
10. Am I a good person?sure
Would You...
11. Hug me?if i could.lol.
12. Miss me if I was gone? U WOULD NEVA B GONE! LOL.
13. Listen to my problems? I KINDA HAVE 2! LOl.
14. Hug me if I cried? cant!
15. Be a good friend? sure
16. Ever go out with me? OO YES! LOL.
17. If you already have would you do it again? HECK YES!!lol
18. Kiss me? UH.. NO! EVEN IF I COULD!
19. Marry me if you could? NO!
20. Ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up? NOOO!!
How Well Do You Know Me..
21. When's my birthday? august 21st
22. How old am I?12
23. What school do I go to? monashores middle skewl
24. Do I have any siblings (& their names)?8. danna, danyelle, jenna, jake, derek, jackie, bill
25. Who is my most current ex? josh R
26. Who is my best friend? eather andie, or jenny
27. Who am I crushing on/dating? i like KEVIN! lol.
28. Favorite animal? chinchilla!lol.
29. Favorite sport?sk8in!
30. Favorite TV show? IDK
31. Favorite song/songs? grand theft autumn
32. Favorite music group? fall out boy or hawthorne heights.
Who Am I?
33. What T.V. star do I most remind you of?idk
34. What song would you dedicate to me?idk
35. What famous person do I most resemble?idk
If You Could..
36. Give me a new name, what would it be and why? idk
37. Hook me up with someone (real), who would it be and why?kevin, cuz hes really kewl and iv known him 4 a while and he's hot! lol
38. Do one thing with me what would it be and why? THE SAME THING I DO EVERY FUCKING DAY! LOL.
39. Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be? STAY W/ 1 GUY DAMNIT!! LOL.
Few More Questions¤~¤
40. What do you love about me? idk
41. What do you hate about me? UR TOES!
42. What is my best quality? being annoyin and gettin money!
43. If you could change one thing about me what would it be? GET SKINNIER U FAT ASS! lol.
44. What is your honest opinion of me? idk
45. Do you love me? OO YES!! NOTT!! lol.
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