Oct 16, 2005 12:08
OMG!! YESTURDAY WUZ ALOT OF FUN!! SO WUZ FRIDAY THOUGH! friday i went 2 donnika's bday-party and me nd her friend kaylynn were runnin up the down escalators and down the up ones!! IT WUZ FUN!! " OMG THEYRE EYE HUMPIN US" lol. OMG KAYLYNN UR FUCKING FUNNY!! "RUNNN!!"" holy shit donnika thankz alot for almost gettin us kicked out of teh movies!! lol. but yea! saturday wuz fun 2! me shanna kohlton donnika kyle robby nd devin were all there! OMG!! I CANT BELEIVE I MADE OUT W/ KYLE! LOL. but yea kyle broke up w/ me cuz he thought he wuz neva gunna see me again but then the day he broke up w/ me i see him! lol. then yea! so i dont see why we eva broke up. but o well.