(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 09:45

hey everyone, i know it's been some time since i've last updated things have just been shitty. my whole family is falling apart. bobby and chris are still fighting b/c bobby has no balls when it comes to his wife and he's acting really immature lately. the newest thing that he wants to do will kill mom and dad if he does it so i hope charlie can talk him out of it. mike is a total asshole. both him and bobby blame mom and dad for the fact that it was hard growing up. first off they were young when they had them, that alone makes it difficult to raise kids and add on to that the fact that we were poor. they're just being complete assholes and for once in my life i'm ashamed to have them as my brothers. i haven't seen harry in almost two years, marie only comes around when she wants something. me and charlie went to lunch yesterday and it was nice b/c we talked about everything that's going on w/the family and it was nice to be able to have someone to talk about it w/, someone who understands what i'm feeling b/c i hate it, we weren't raised like that and i don't get why everyone is acting like this all of a sudden. plus my grandma isn't doing too well. she was in the hospital for like a week i think and now she's living w/my aunt. even she knows that she's sick, she's not all that good. so everything at my house is stressful. mom started crying the other day b/c of everything w/the boys and now her mother. it's just a little bit too much for her. i feel like crying sometimes or just breaking the shit out of something.

then i get to add the stress of work and finals onto all that other stress. isn't life fuckin wonderful?!

one funny thing that happened was that friday while i was working this guy drove off w/the pump still in his gas tank. he ripped the hose right out. he came in and paid then just forgot to take out the pump before he drove off. he came in and apologized and left his number and all that. but it was so funny. i had to wait until he left before i started laughing.

well that's my life. hope you all enjoyed reading about how disfunctional it is. i hope to see all of you guys when you come home in a couple weeks. bye.
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