Eye Candy is my independently published magazine, a free publication, that focuses on art,literary & music.
I have received the June issue from the printer and I am ready to take orders.
The June issue includes: ( 32 pages from cover to back)
Jenny Sadre-Orafai-writer/poet
Garrett Adderley-artist
The Beat Generation
Art of Musicians (Marilyn Manson & Chris Mars)
creative block
musical inspiration
Band review on Clutch
Book review on classic Dracula
grafitti art
visual arts,literary & photography submissions from talented folks around the world!
S & H in US =$3.50
S & H outside US=$4.00
I have already shipped most of the contributors issues and a few orders that were already placed, my next shipping day is Thursday.
www.eyecandyzine.com Have a great day!