Aug 07, 2004 09:03
yesterday was a good day! for once, i had a good day. i was only upset/pissed off for like 5 seconds! woot! i did really well in the march off. i was the last girl to get out! woot! and there were like 6 people left after me, i was happy. marching down and playing cadences n stuff was alot of fun too. and so was baking 96 cupcakes. so maybe that wasnt as fun, but chocolate cake batter is really quite tasty! and i finished my cymbal chicks shirt which looks good. orat least the back does. the front looks kidna crappy, but ill fix it up! =) today is my mommys birthday! im going to the dr tim leadership thingy this morning with christy and adam! should be fun! =) ummmmm...what else...
i guess thats it! im enjoying my single-ness, its fun. i went to starbucks last night, that was fun. i went with caitlin and mandy and jacob and christy and adam. and then i saw my friend robby, and his friend "stark" (thats just what they call him) who turns out was justin starks older brother, and justin stark plays snare in drumline! yup. thats about it! xoxo