Dec 13, 2004 16:51
Friday was cool. We had runthrough then i went to Annie's then the Violent Gentiles show. Saturday we had a speech tournemen. They needed someone for extemp so i did it. Now extemp is a more serious event where you have 45 minutes to make a speech based on a question they give you and then you ive it and you need sources and such. These are usually speeches about current politics. Anyways i opened with a joke from Potato "it's been all over recent news that Old Dirty Bastard has died, but enough about Yassir Arafat" now if i got serious after this i would have done all right but i didn't. I said that he loves Yokko Onno, he eats dirt because he's a robot, and that he punched my grandma in the face. It was awesome. I (Trevor) sucked in HDA but i know that we're going to do way better from now on. Trevor doesn't think so which is probably going to make me wrong plus we don't have much time left but the opportunity is there. Anyways Jairus and i left early to go to the River City Rebels show. The 7 Shot Screamers opened and they were awesome. As JAirus said they kind of remind me of the Amazing Crowns. Then some shitty girl band played. It doesn't matter if it's sexist to say this (because most of the time they're based on sexism anyways) but aside from The Bodysnatchers girl bands suck. Anyways the Street Brats were awesome. Then The River City Rebels came on and i realized that they're assholes. It doesn't matter though because they're an awesome band. Some fat guy seemed like he wanted to kick my ass (and i'm sure he could have) but that's not important.
Today my alarm went off at 5:30 so i turned it off since it's Saturday. Then around 6:40 i realized that it wasn't Saturday. At school i got Dustin and Kristin to change the dance we're doing from Hanson to Lust For Life by Iggy Pop. There's better Iggy Pop songs but not for our puspose and we got a bunch of it done. We're going to get and A.