(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 04:24

Been sleeping very, very late. It's past four by the time I'm in bed nowadays and Zachary's been unhappy about it. He says he can't sleep without me. So, sometimes, I lay beside him for a bit and then retreat back to the living room sofa.

My skin has been looking REALLY good in spite of this lack of sleep. Normally, bad sleep habits show on my face but, lately, I've had remarkable evenness of color and texture. The old scarring is still there, of course, and those will never go away. Otherwise, my skin has never looked better.

I first noticed a noticeable improvement in my skin in Europe. If I deduce the changes that may have caused this...

1. Turning 30. Maybe my hormones have steadied and I'm not as acne-prone. I really thought I'd be acne-prone well into my forties and that the wrinkles would kick in while I still had break outs.

2. Mom's homemade toner. I started using this just before I had left for Europe. I brought some of it with me in a spray bottle and used it morning and night there. Once I got back, I continued using it regularly, every morning and every night. During the summer, I used this as my moisturizer as it had a bit of glycerin in it and it was very light and grease-free. I use this with Juice Beauty Hydrating Mist. So, basically, I haven't been wearing any creams or lotions. It's just liquid moisturizers.

3. My imagination. Maybe I'm just imagining it? But Zachary has noticed it, too.

This isn't to say that my skin is at its peak condition. It's at a rare "consider wearing no makeup to a party" point but it's still not at "take a picture with no makeup". Nor may it ever be. I'm not giving up, though.

Bella's been keeping me company on late nights. I didn't notice until recently that she will be where I am during bedtime, even if she's not very close. If I'm in bed with Zachary, she's content to lay on the floor. If I'm in the living room, she's at my feet on the couch or behind it on the table. This morning, I woke up to find my face buried in her back while she laid back against me. She left for a moment and I fell asleep again. When I woke up again, she was right there again, spooning herself against my face. She's either being very affectionate or she's trying to smother me.
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