My Weekend

Mar 30, 2010 17:49

Thursday night:

Picked Ho0ber up at train station. Steaks and scotch tasting flights at The Brandy Library. Missed that salon of Lee's, though, sadly.

Movers arrived an hour early! Argh! Crazy run-around-packing-time! Also, scary thing: the head mover dude is a computer science graduate. Yipes!

Bought plane ticket home for early Thursday morning. Was able to trade in frequent flyer miles for First Class! Yay!

Dinner at Spark's Steakhouse. Fairly exceptional steaks. Decor matches a place that has seen big-time mob hits. Oh, hey, it IS a place that has seen big-time mob hits.

Avenue Q! Awesomeness! There's a picture of me getting advice from the Bad Idea Bear puppets (bought for the Broadway Cares charity drive thingy), because that just seemed perfectly appropriate in general.

Live Action Rocky Horror Picture Show! Sweet zombie Ceiling Cat, who the hell are all these kids? Are they old enough to be here?!? GET OFF MY LAWN! (Seriously, though, it was fun. Oh, and apparently shout-outs have evolved to include internet memes, to some degree. Surprisingly, they tended to work.)


Bought tickets at TKTS for Rock of Ages matinee, and went over to MoMA. Wish I'd gone there before. Wish we had more time to spend there. Pretty darn awesome.

Ok, Rock of Ages? Fucking ROCKS! Seriously, go see it, it's over-the-top, epic, and downright hilarious. Go see it! Now!

(Also, thank Ceiling Cat, it's been long enough since I've been in a college bar with a jukebox that I can actually ENJOY songs about the not stopping of the believing. Woo!)

Then we got some bbq, wondered around town, took in a comedy show at 11:45, and stayed out at my local until 5, which was kind of a bad idea because.....


......woke up at 9 am to make sure Ho0ber made it to his train. Came back to apartment, fell down, went boom.


Crazy with the packings and stuff. Get phone call from recruiter-dude that GA-ASI is hiring again, and specifically asked if I was still available. Yay!

Also get email from lawyer-dude that the stupid driver's insurance holds they will no longer be liable for my car's storage fees as of.... last Thursday. Need to call lawyer-dude to make sure they can do that, because I don't exactly have anywhere else to PUT it. Boo! (Of lesser magnitude than previous yay).

And now I just need to finish packing and clearing and cleaning, and I'll be on my way!
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