Title : Butt-full Mornings
Pairing : TegoMass (Tegoshi Yuya x Takahisa Masuda)
Rating : G
Genre : Crack? A bit fluff? ^^
Summary : Their anniversary :)
A/N : For
yuurikasaito . Naww. Just thought of this. :) Heehee :> I'm bored ._.
"Yuya, move your butt." Massu commanded, half mumbling, as he woke up with Tegoshi's butt infront of his face.
Tegoshi twitched while groaning.
"Yuya..move." Massu pushed Tegoshi's butt away, causing the other guy to fall off the bed.
"Ow! Damn, Massu! Why do you have to push me?" Tegoshi said while rubbing his poor head that slightly hit the soft carpet.
"Sorry. It's just that I don't wanna wake up with your butt on my face." Massu said as he let out a hand which Tegoshi accepted. He helped the other guy to stand up. "I'd rather wake up with your lips on mine, not your butt." Massu breathed into Tegoshi's ear with a husky voice, the hot breath adding up to the heat, which Tegoshi founds damn sexy and it made him shiver.
Tegoshi smirked.
"Who wouldn't want to wake up with my kiss?" Tegoshi teased.
"Maybe Pi." Massu leaned closer, attempting to give Tegoshi a good-morning kiss, but the other guy refused.
"Uh-uh. You have to wait, Massu." Tegoshi said, putting his index finger over Massu's lips as they were about millimiters apart. A pout appeared on Massu's bedface. "I have to brush my teeth first." Tegoshi grinned.
About 2 minutes, Tegoshi went out the bathroom with hair fixed, and his teeth looking all pearly white.
"So, do I get to kiss you now?" Massu said as he stood up and walked towards Tegoshi with a smirk on his face.
"Okay, sir." Without any hesitation, Massu grabbed Tegoshi's waist, pulling him closer for a kiss as the other boy wrapped his arms around Massu's neck.
"Happy anniversary, Yuya."