Aug 12, 2007 23:07
"Love is a word that people use too easily these days. Wow we've been dating for a month...I MUST LOVE YOU!!! It's bullshit. Love is something that is built on, it's not instantanious. It takes time. When its new and it's fresh and it's fun, it not love. It's love lust. When you've been through the hard times, when you can fight without leaving, when everything has calmed down a little, and the sex isn't all the time, then maybe wonder if it's love.
People shouldn`t say Ì love you just because they really desperatly want to be loved or want to be loved back. They should say it when they mean it. Believe me, if I thought any differantly, I would have been telling someone I loved them a long time ago. And promises to never leave, never cheat and never get board, should never be made. It`s the type of crap that teenagers say to eachother the first time they think they`re inlove. We as adults all know that these promises are not realistic. And even if you can spend your life with someone, and never cheat and never leave, you are still going to get bored, at least at somepoint...Wether you love them or not. "