Jun 18, 2006 08:28
so we went on this weeklong retreat cause my parents wanted to. i had the impression that retreats were supposed to be fun and relaxing, but ya know, there's uh...nothing more fun than bible camp? my parents didnt tell me that it was like some religous cult camp where they wake you up at 5 in the morning, feed you prison quality food, have about 4 or 5 1 hour and a half long religious hokey prayer services where you learn nothing constructive, and lights out at 1030 to start it over again in the morning. it really did have a prison theme. our room was 3 cots and a bathroom, they fed us by spooning weird food onto our plates while we waited in really long lines to find a room with nowhere to sit, and nobody was allowed off the property unless they had special permission, electronic devices were allowed but prevented from being used. they even had huge gates and guards and stuff. but i respect that, cause if you have a theme, you gotta stick it. go balls to the wall right?
i left my room with the padlock they gave us locked to go to a service where they were like "who has back pain? the lord is healing it right now! PRAISE THE LORD! HALLELUJAH!!!!!" and people fell and gave testimonies of past healings, believable shit like that. and i was like oh that jesus, he's always got a trick up his sleeve. but then i came back to my room and unlocked the padlock and my laptop was gone. cause apparently any key like mine will open my padlock, or anyone else's padlock on the entire hall. indian locks are sublime. haha so i got mad for the 2nd time in 5 years. i was running around yelling with my shirt off, and the guards were all like "hey ::shrugs:: indian locks" and i was like OH YEAh!?@ and they were like yeah so i was like oh fine. but then my dad told me he put my stuff in his room cause he realized the locks work like that. so i put my shirt back on and ran away. see i wouldnt have gotten mad but somebody stole my suitcase with all my clothes except for like 3 shirts i packed in another bag, so if they took my laptop and the stuff i had with it i wouldnt really ahve anything left. i'd just crawl into the corner and rock back and forth for the rest of the time i was here, and i'd get real weak cause they dont bring any food to your rooms.
oh yeah about that food. my mom got sick after one day of eating it. they had to take her to the dispensary and hook her up to an IV and give her fluids for the next few days. my sister and dad got sick too, but not serious enough for medical attention. i spent the last 2 days sick and puking, drinking weird medicines that only make you wanna puke more. yeaaaah this trip's going greaaaaaaat.
all in all...best...retreat...ever?
haha oh yeah no place we go has postcards, so i'll...make.some. yeah