$21 ... thats how much these Beauty's cost me <3
I'm so happy!!! 4 more dolls to cross off the list <3 and OMG so cheap!!
I almost missed out on this too....
When i remembered and checked the listing there was 2 minutes left >w< so i quickly Bid and won it for 1000 yen. $27 with fee's etc.
Not bad seeing i'm certain it's an anthology book <3
A Fair few things have arrived too. My Artbook 3 with Manga set, Genbu Gaiden complete up to date, and My avane Order.
I Have a few days off at the end of the week and i plan to do a complete ovehaul on updates for all my pages :3.
And good news on the celga front i'm 2 weeks from being back to 0.00. Unless i can convince my darling Davo to help me out in which case i'm all paid up as of tonight :3
Now how to butter him up hahaha....