Title: Defeating the Boss: Game Over (part four)
Rating: R
Pairing: Aiba/Nino, Sho/Jun (Aiba/Jun friendship, OT5 friendship)
Disclaimer: I guess Johnny’s technically owns Arashi, huh? Not me.
Summary: Aiba is finally able to land a job...and along with it, a boss that ignores his existence. What's he going to do about it?
Notes: Office AU for
astrangerenters, who
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*goes to read* :)
It turned out little fluffier than previous parts but I liked it. And R (rrrrrrrr)......
---- He dropped the wallet onto the floor and stepped over to Aiba, holding out the cash-which was a pitiful amount if Nino was trying to pay him for what he had just done. ---- That one was perfect! Pitiful amount, hahaha!
And the fact that Nino had a thing for him for such a long time! My heart just melts. And I usually don't care that much for Aimiya.
Thank you! Thank you for making us wait :)Though I might be little bit more thankful for it being the last part :D LOL
Nino has a lot of self denial! Haha.
Thank you for not minding the wait. ^__^ Are you happy because you don't have to wait anymore? XD Thanks for your comment too!
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