Title: All I Want For Christmas is You
Rating: PG13 with sexual implications
Pairing: Jun/Ohno
Disclaimer: I guess Johnny’s technically owns Arashi, huh? Not me.
Summary: Share House AU. Ohno and Jun are finally alone at the most romantic time of year, but things are never that easy... (Heavily based on the Juntoshi Share House Christmas Special.)
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Yes, it´s a fic heavily based on their TV Shows and that´s exactly the funny part - it seemed I was reading all my crazy and delusional fangirl´s thoughts in this fic, the ones I had while watching their shows! XDDD
I loved the way you profiled each of them and their relations because it´s just like them! ^.^
And the way you connect the TV Shows´s facts was really interesting! I was so annoyed with the girls visiting as I was with those comedians in the Christmas episode! XDD
And I didn´t expect Jun-kun to really give Satoshi the same present he did on TV! XD Dear Jun-kun, you are a pervert! And Aiba-chan always gives the best gifts! XDDD
Finally, can I keep being delusional? Based on their most recent photoshoot, I will imagine that Satoshi will start helping Jun-kun in the cooking:
Thanks again for this fic! *goes re-read it because it´s really fun*
And good luck with your writing! I don´t have advices, but I will be wishing you inspiration and motivation! ^.^
Yep, Jun is a pervert... In my head it was something more like, he got a present that he knew would lead to something he just had to had the courage to give it, haha. XD A lot of stuff in my head doesn't make it into the fic, obviously. Like the sexy-taims.
Aww that picture is so cute! Thank you for sharing. :3 They can be cooking buddies together.
Thank you for your kind words and reading! :DD
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