Hey guys! Happy New Year! :D
First of all I want you all to know that I barely realized the fanfiction awards at
sakumoto-sm were over...in November. =A=; I tried so hard to read everything and vote, but there was so much to go through and I never got around to it. T__T I fail... I feel so bad, since I ended up winning two categories,
Paint, Film, and Stuffed Animals as best Ohba and
Step and Go as best Juntoshi. Thank you so much to anyone who voted, whether it was for me or not. T__T<3 I'm surprised about Step and Go, since it was my first Arashi fanfiction and I wasn't very confident in it.
Thank you again.
Anyway, I have another question. I think I'm ready to start posting again, but I need your opinion. I still have the last third of the Shinobu series to post (the ninja story), but recently I started writing a cute Matsumiya story that's getting out of hand, so I wanted to know what you guys what to see more?
The Shinobu series is 95% finished, so updating is solely based on my motivation, whereas the Matsumiya story is still WIP, so I'd update it as I went and it probably wouldn't be very consistent. Or I suppose I could do both. Whatever. Please take my poll!