I quit. I'm a quitter.
Or we could say I escaped.
I'm done with the job.
I'm unemployed.
A friend noted that I'm not, I'm self-employed, but I don't consider myself that until I have clients. So I guess I'm between jobs.
I'm also not officially homesteading at the moment, I have yet to take over a great deal here. I twisted both, yes both, my ankles at work just over a week ago. I continued to work, while babying them at home, because, dammit! I wanted to work my notice. I also didn't want to leave my now former co-workers in the lurch earlier than expected. The way this job is now it's heinous if only one is on. Um, possibly even illegal...but I know they won't pursue that. *sigh*
I didn't exactly spend my first day unemployed staying off my feet however, so I now I REALLY have to spend some time taking care of them. We had had the horse dentist scheduled for several weeks, after all....and so did some others in the area. Holding unsedated horses for dental work is not easy on the ankles, even if two only are around 300 lbs. The Minis, due to their height, might even have been harder on my ankles, given the angle I ended up with my feet in. Or maybe while holding 800ish lb Misty I wasn't even able to think about it. BTW, all three were totally wonderful, especially little Cimmeron who had some cutting to endure. He's not completely done, we'll see if his quidding stops..if not he might need work again sooner than one year. Note, no 1100lb horse was dealt with by my ankles, Saorsa did not have any work done. Not only would this have been unlikely anyway, she was in a particularly bad mood. She's probably got some points, probably could have had some caps removed rather than waiting for them to fall off (they get sharp edges in the gums)...she may or may not have wolf teeth that will need pulling, but that wasn't going to happen anyway. Our trainer's horses were pretty good and all had some work done, but a couple will need their wolf teeth pulled. Over all, it went pretty well for unsedated horses. Except Saorsa, but....
So, my ankles were bad after that.
More dental work, apparently. About an hour ago we realized Òrlaith had a gum infection, which hadn't been apparent just this morning. So she and Aaron are off to the vet. I've got three worried boy pups here.
Fortunately, Aaron starts taking more shifts next week.
Once my ankles allow, we need to hurry on some work to get things ready to bring Misty home, without throwing her in with Saorsa immediately. There is that size difference, although I can tell Misty is quite capable of holding her own against potentially hostile horses. I think she's just the horse we need, despite her small size. She's calm, I've seen horses around her spook and her just stand there like "what is wrong with you?" so she's calm. She's obviously got some good training, from what I could tell just playing with her on the ground yesterday. But she's got a lot of kick-ass spirit, she'll be able to teach a beginner, but not bore a more experienced rider. As she'll not only be Aaron's horse but the one that, once Saorsa's being ridden, I'll put friends on when they visit, no one can accuse me of putting them on a "deadhead" if they think they can ride. I other words, she's a pretty stereotypical Morgan.
So, onward to a new adventure. A daytime one.
I'm worried about Òrlaith, hopefully the infection isn't too bad. Hopefully we can get her and Cù in for a complete dental soon...if they don't insist on doing her immediately. The long hairs seem to be doing okay tooth wise...but Greyhound seem to have the worst teeth. Cù already doesn't have many and many of the ones he has are broken.
ETA: Òrlaith is home, she has a dental scheduled for a week from today.