Heyo! I just recently joined. I hope to contribute whatever I can, and in this post.. I'll be posting all the lyrics I have for songs that Ms. Saiga has sung in both kanji and romaji. Each set has been copied from
my own site, so each has been romanized by me. (unless noted) Keep in mind that the romaji for tracks from Luster can be found on animelyrics.com (without kanji, or I would have done my own romanizations)
If you've got the kanji for any songs that I've missed, please do share and I'll do my best to romanize them. Also, I've got a section of my site dedicated to English adaptations of foreign songs, and I'd love to add some of Ms. Saiga's to that section, so if anyone could translate these to English, I'd add them to my queue right away!
I apologize if I'm going about posting this wrong, too. I'm very new to LiveJournal.
Also, please excuse me if I romanized any of the names wrong-- I can hardly read in the first place ^^; Anyway! Here we go, in alphabetical order until character songs.
EDIT: Thank you, mewlust for the series details, and the kanji for "Always there for you" and "EN-RAI".
EDIT2 (September 5th 2009):
Fixed several sets and added all I got since posting.
Since the post got too big for LJ, I took the sets down from here. You can either just check my site for them, or you can download them all in one big,
messy text file here. (Unless my site is down, I suggest against this.)