BAH NAH NAH NAH NAHNAH NAH. SPORIN. Internet cookies if you know what that's from.
Dear Wireless, Please stop being a cock-up. Fuck.
I've given up on MSN for the time being, because my maximum on-time seems to be about 30 seconds before I'm kicked off again. And then when I sign in again it tells me that all my contacts have disappeared, and would I like to add some new ones? And oh, what's that? Ohhhh I'm offline again! Ballsass.
For my artworks this semester I'm making a man, with blonde hair and a tan weird little people out of bits of several stock-people, and it's fun. I can't help but feel like I should be cackling while I do it, or maybe waiting for a lightning-storm.
Also, I was talking with a girl in my class and am relieved to know that I am not the only one feeling like everything we talk about in art history classes these days is a steaming load. It's all utter bullshit that has nothing to do with anything, and could school please be over soon before I become so cynical it physically manifests itself and starts chewing on my arm?
Tuition is due soon =3= Goodbye, lots of money!
I will now go shower to see if I can become a less angry person. I've been considering starting some kind of meditation thing, because I really do get ridiculously angry over too many things and it can't possibly be good for me. Speaking of which,
sohalia, there's T'ai Chi tomorrow from 4:30 to 5:45. Would you be up for that?
Ambient techno is helping. Champion = Grood and the opposite of badong.