I Am A Tad Bored....
quite proud of myself though, started revising today, tore apart some circuits, that shit got leeeearnt, but right now im taking a well desereved break.
Last night was quite jokes, tried out the roxy, free entry, familiar faces, buy one get one free beer, that got abused for a bit. me and nick pimped it out. spoke to rahandom girls that i had met on new years eve, embarssing, but jokes. saw some school people which was jokes. Funds were low and curfews were dawning so bailed out early, nice place though one for the revisiting list.
2nite i mite "take it to the candybox" if anyone is up for it.
Right now im cotching in my kamono, don't know how to spell it but it's designer 'WASISASI' people who have seen me in it knooow its good, i don't know the japenese for P.I.M.P but fuck me...
I was thinking about tatoos last night, and i've decided chinese script is quite...bait. alot of people get that kind've thing, and this may sound silly or childish but i feel if i find the right image, 2 stick men fighting on my back could look sick, the kinda stickman from xiao xiao cos they look excellent but yeah...