Dec 07, 2011 19:48
Dear Santa.
[Raymond snorts and gives a small shake of his head, as though he already can't believe what he's saying.]
It is that time of year, isn't it... Can't say I'm really feeling the holiday cheer. Nor can I say that I've ever really believed in you, but if there's one thing I believe in less, it's handouts. So let's get this out of the way and have it be as painless as possible.
[He pauses, visibly mulling something over.] I've been told I'm in need of a heart, but it seems like I've been getting along just fine for seventy-five years without one. So we can cross that off the list.
I suppose I could ask you to bring me Will Salas on a silver platter, but... [There's a sigh.] It's stopping him back home that matters, not here. I could ask for luck instead, but I won't be needing it.
I could also ask for a way out of here, but I'm sure that even if you could deliver on that promise, some deity here would find a way to circumvent it.
[He pauses one more time to think, pursing his lips.]
In the end, I guess the only thing I can reasonably wish for is more time. Twenty hours should suffice.
And thank you for your consideration.