Dec 06, 2006 01:40
done with finals, in the strict sense. after two white russians and a couple posts to a/z board, am relatively well. quite shell-shocked (duh), but fine. watching firefly (oh malcolm reynolds, i enjoy you) and listening to mirah remixes, which are somehow amazing. and fuck, i look old and fuck, i feel old. but that's cool, that's okay by me. tonight, i watched old hanson and britney spears videos with andrew and bethany, and was amazed that i still knew the words (and it should be said that in the past i never admitted to knowing the words, but my unhealthy fascination with what others find fascinating is my downfall, which is why i am still disturbed that reese and ryan broke up, or what have you. all zeitgeist crap). sometimes growing up feels really wrong and really right all at once: it's beautiful, huh. i worry that i'm too brutal and then remember that i'm just me.