I give up and in to the secrets the cloud like the approaching storm we enjoy the sun for what its worth and dwell in the rain well the rain is here and let the drama ensue no story to tell for the girl who gave up. No mention of the feelings burying themselves in my soul! FUCK IT! The fight is over and who has won? I just don't fucking care screw
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I just don't understand why you're following in Junior's foot steps. Being his friend is completely okay, but is it necessary to do drugs in order to be his friend? No, it isn't. This not only hurts me to know what you're doing, but dissapoints me. I can't speak for everyone because I'm only one person. Junior, on the other hand, will never be able to hurt me anymore. Dissapoint me, however, yes. Junior has dissapointed me for not proving that he is the person I once thought him to be. When Kristina died, where was my "best friend" that promised he would always be there? Where was Junior when I needed him the most? Out doing meth, and who knows what else, only he knows. Is this really what you want Cha? Are these material things that make your problems dissipate for the moment really worth ruining your entire future? I don't believe they are, seeing as I have faith in you. You have so much potential Cha, you must see it. I care for you, as do so many others. I can't tell you what to do, I know this. It tears me apart but I realize it. Drugs may take all your issues away for the moment, but you have to realize in turn that it is only a moment. They do not solve anything. You are running away from everything and everyone into someone's comfort that is merely an illusion. Becoming dependent on things that are never going to be guaranteed or promising, no matter how hard you try and tell yourself that one day they will be. It will never work Cha, there will come a day for you when you find yourself falling and the person you want most to catch you will not even turn his head. It's going to rip out your insides to feel rejected, and you will start to be careless of everything, and the more careless you are, the less alive you become. It will viciously go around in a circle until there is no life left in your eyes. So...if this is still what you choose, there's nothing anyone can do. Remember though, that you can call, as hard as it will seem, you have that option. I know that apologizing right now is what seems right, but Cha you can't apologize for something that is in a way uncontrollable. What I would rather you do is make a promise...that you will call when you reach that level of hurt and dissapointment in yourself. I say this because I've been where you are, as have others, and that level of emotion will overcome you one day.
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