Quizilla is the bored man's friend, sorry to take up all of your friend's page with my depression

Apr 07, 2006 14:00

What's Your Dark Inner Emotion? (Anime Pictures.)

CONFINEMENT is your dark, inner emotion. You feel trapped inside your own mind, your own body. People around you, everything around you just seems so different and you often feel like you just want to run away. You can be very insecure and secretive, and just want to be left a lone a lot of the time - but people don't know why you feel this way! You're probably very beautiful, have a very good life and future going for you... but looks and money can't bring anyone true happiness.. and something from your life is missing. Whether its love or attention, you tend to imagine and create up what you need for yourself, and you can be antisocial at times for this reason. You feel at your best when alone and left to your thoughts, even though this also makes you feel bad a lot of the time.
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What do your dark wings say about you? (Anime Pics)

Your wings look broken to any that would look a little closer. You have a lot of sadness in you heart and it over-whelms you. Despair and cutting are not the answer they only mask your real problems. You should reach out and talk to someone. Chances are someone understands and is willing to listen.
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How Will You Die? Dark Anime Pix

You die of a brokenheart. Someone hurt you again and this time the pain was beyond repair. People lead you on to think that they care and pretty much shatter your heart. You would turn bitter and heartless until you found someone else and returned to being a hopeless romantic; believing that this time things would be different. But it would always end the same and deep down you knew it. You kept your emotions bottled up until you thought you would explode. You lost it and decided to end your suffering. You slit your wrist and let all of your pain spill out. No more pain. No more heartbreak. Rest in peace.
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