So i get a call from one of my friends and she tells me that there was a shooting at our high school. 40 people were injured, and our principal had been shot twice. I'm a little concerned of course because hey, my uncle is the freaking assistant principal. I didnt know what was going on and whether or not he'd been shot or what...? so i start looking online... you'd think that if 40 people had been shot there's be an article about it or something... but not a word.
so i called my brother and he informed me that it was a drill, noone was injured and it was all ok. *sigh of relief*
But then i wondered why had my friend told me that it'd happened like that? So i found the actual article and it all fell into place. Apparently, she doesn't know that quotations around a word means that the meaning is implied but not literal. the Students, teachers, and others were acting out being wounded or killed. There's a pretty awesome video of my high school principal being shot, though, lol.
i could see how they would have misinterpreted it, but it still made me worry. I guess I really do love my high school :)