{FIC} Betrayal

May 31, 2009 22:25

“Baka, dreams are not real, it's just a fantasy our minds make when were sad or happy “ryo said trying to ease the pain his friend is having.

“No, ryo dreams are sometimes a reflection to reality, a warning, a hint to what will happen “Jin insisted

“Ok, first let me hear what that dream you’re talking about is”

“Well, it's about Kame, I saw him crying and he kept asking me a lot of questions. And I can't even give him a straight answer then he left me. He said he's never coming back, and Koki appeared, kame was going with him “Jin can't help but cry remembering that scene of Kame leaving him.

“So why didn't you stop him?" ryo asked

“I wanted to, I tried to but Megumi was also there, she's stopping me. And I can't break through her grip “jin replied clenching his fist in anger

Ryo understands what Jin felt; he analyzed the dream and understood what it means. He patted his friend's shoulder trying to calm him, Jin asked him about the dream it seems Jin don't get it. “Ryo, why does that dream feels so real, what does it mean?" he kept on asking his friend. Ryo on the other hand wants Jin to understand it by himself, but he knows Jin is a big baka. It might be too late before he can figure it out. He let out a sigh and gave his friend a hint, " Jin, listen to this very carefully it can help you or not. It depends on how you'll take my advice “ryo explained carefully, Jin just replied with a nod and started to listen.

" you are right our dreams sometimes reflects situations to reality they are mirror images to what might happen in the future, it could be about issues concerning decisions or maybe something that gives us hint on what should we do or choose. Remember what I have told you before? “Ryo asked

“What?" jin replied with a question?

“See, that's it you’re not paying attention to what's happening around you, the people around you. You're too busy looking at you own side, try to look at things in a perspective ... and... Observant way. You’ll see what you will’ll have to do “ryo said while looking at his friend who seemed confused.

“Ryo can you please just get to the point?" he pleaded

“It’s time for you to let yourself grow man... try to be independent, if people would always do things for you. What can you do for them if they needed you? Jin always remember these, decisions are not made to just solve things, every decision you make reflects who you are. And every promise you break, reflects who you really are “ryo added

“Huh?? I can't see through your words, what decisions?? What promise? reflections?" jin questioned his friend again looking more confused than ever, Ryo can't help but chuckle seeing his friend's expressions " jin, this is the last hint I will tell you “Life is a never ending obstacle, meeting a lot of people isn’t new. Choose those people, who won’t leave you, live with those people who loves you for whatever you are. (taken from chap.1) and choose those who makes you happy, because your happiness is your choice"

“I still don't get it “jin having his worst expression ever

“*smiles* come on, let's just go for have some fun tonight so you can relax you brain muscles a bit. So you can let that stupid brain of yours work tomorrow" ryo said while insulting his friend that seemed to be a little happier than before

" what?? I’m smart you now," spanking ryo's head

“Itai...ok... ok... if you say so... see you later baka!!" ryo said as he spank his friend's head for revenge and run

“Oi, I’ll let you pay for that!!” Jin shouted as he headed to follow the other and go home.


Before Kame knew, it was already the time for the hang-out with his friends. He thought of not coming, but when he remembers Maru’s weird expressions he can’t help but come and see more of it.  He got up from bed and opened his closet to find something to wear for the night. Kame was known for his style, he was adored by the things he wears.  No wonder a lot of people are attracted when he’s on the scene. He decided to wear something simple but still has “the look” that people would expect.

The four decided to meet up at Kame’s place. Koki, Ueda and Maru already meet up and gave the boy a call before they headed at his home.

Kame on the other hand, who have finished preparing himself headed downstairs to wait for his friends to come. His mother, Michiko felt relieved when she finally saw her son going out. She knew that his son is going through a difficult situation, she was not sure of what it was, but her mother instinct tells her so.

“Kaa-san I’m going out tonight with Koki, Ueda and Maru” Kame told her mom excitedly as he goes down the stairs.

“It’s been a while since you’ve go out, dear” her mother said smiling to his son who smiled beautifully back at her that made her feel at ease,

“They’ll pick me up later, I’ll introduce them to you, I’m sure you’ll like them” he said happily, holding his mother’s hands.

“I can’t wait to meet them” she said eagerly when she saw how happy Kame while talking about his new friends.

As the two we’re talking about Kame’s new friends the door bell rang, and he stood up quickly and open the door to let the three in and introduce them to his mother. His mother was too excited to meet the people who helped bring back his son’s smile back again.

“Good- evening” the three greeted their friend and his mother happily. Michiko was amused seeing how the three greeted her. She invited them in for a cup of tea, and the three nodded and followed Kame inside.

Michiko offered them a cup of her special tea, which results to Maru’s exaggerated expressions that made them all laugh.

“Whoa… Oishii...” Maru shouted wearing another weird expression in his face.

Koki spanks Maru’s head “stop that, you’re scaring kame’s mother”. Maru’s holding his head in pain because of Koki’s strong spank.

Michiko is laughing so hard because of the cute seen, she’s relieved that Kame managed to have friends like them, and then she remembered the only friend Kame had before Jin. So she asked why the boy is not there. The four just kept quiet, when Koki stepped on the scene “Ahh… I think we need to go now, or else we’ll miss all the fun” he insisted while bowing down to Michiko as they all headed outside the house.

“Ohh… I see, just have fun the, be careful” she waved them goodbye as they go out the house. But she felt something weird after she mentioned Jin’s named, and how they all reacted. Instead of paying attention to what she observed, she just kept it to herself and let her son enjoy the night.

They headed to their destination, Kame told Koki his appreciation, smiled at him then run towards Ueda and Maru was having a great time.

They entered the establishment, found a perfect place to seat, ordered some drinks and dance along the loud beats of the music.


Ryo waited for Jin to arrive, just as he expected he was late again. He has this time problems. When Jin finally arrived he started saying sorry all the way to the bar. Ryo who was amused by Jin’s action just laughed.

Finally when Jin got tired of apologizing, He didn’t even notice that they finally arrived at the place Ryo was talking about, he got too thirsty so he quickly searched for an empty seat, ordered anything that will quench his thirst and he carelessly drink it in one gulp.

Jin was not aware that what he had drink contains almost 50% of alcohol, and he had consumed a mug full of it, Ryo saw what happened and he was afraid that Jin might lose his consciousness too early, or he might do something irresponsible.

Jin has a good tolerance with alcohol. But when he’s depressing, he suddenly turns into something that’s not pleasing to the eyes. He would crave for too much alcohol, and when he gets too drunk and suddenly sees the person who made him depress, he’ll talk about ridiculous things and confront him with no regrets.

And when he wakes up, he can’t remember a thing, even a single one.

Ryo was freaking worried about his friend so he just decided to carry his friend and put him to seat on the couch away from the alcohol beverages.

But Ryo’s eyes were shocked when he realized that Kame was there inside the bar with Koki, Maru and Ueda.

He was panicking because if Jin sees him, a big ruckus will start, and he’s pretty sure what will happen. He talked to Jin and told the other that they should leave the place and look for a better one. But Jin refused “It’s great here, the drinks are good, and the music seems to set my mood” he insisted as he stands up to go on the dance floor.

Ryo knew that Jin might see Kame dancing there with Koki and the others which will make Jin furious than ever, he tried to convince Jin to dance later. But the other doesn’t want to, “what will I do, if I won’t dance then?” Jin asked ryo who keeps on thinking of ways to not let the two meet.

“Let’s just drink then” Jin seems to buy what Ryo is coming up. So Ryo got the drinks and they talked about important and no so important things at the same time. But luck just won’t cooperate with Ryo, Jin headed towards the dance floor, he followed the other. Both was shocked, first Jin saw Kame, second Ryo failed to stop the incidence.

“Kame?? Why is he here, and he’s with... Koki?” Jin kept murmuring, because he can’t believe what he saw, Kame was fine without him? Am I that easy to forget?

Because of the effect of the alcohol, Jin felt so angry, jealous and things he can’t explain. He went to where Kame was, he was going to confront him. When he reached where Kame was, the others were also shocked, Kame’s eyes widened, he’s body froze, his body can’t find the strength to walk away.


A:N: Seriously, I didn’t expect this chapter will be this long. Yay for me… But I don’t think this chapter satisfies me, even I am responsible for what is happening in the story. I personally thinks it lacks a lot (can’t explain what it is). But I hope you’ll like this… College days are coming soon *tensed* so I’m hoping I can finish this sooner. BTW thanks for those who keeps on riding these. I SO TOTALLY LOVE AND APPRECIATE IT!!! *happy*.. :D

fanfiction: multi-chap

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