Mar 11, 2007 05:13
Woo.. Hey there. I'm like, drunk and stuff. Michael says that I'm not legally drunk, just buzzed, but like, I'm also really tired and shit and like it's hard to keep my balance and I keep swaying.
God damn that was hard to type. I keep messing up, hee..~
I, like, had like, a third of a bottle of Midori. It's pussy liquor, yeah, but I'm still a pussy drinker. I had more alcohol here in one sitting than all the booze I ever have in my entire life combined.
I watched V for Vendetta with Michael. That's like my favorite mooovie and shit.
Hee~ Really, my typing has gone to shit. I botch every other word. Maybe I should just stop fixing my mistakes. I'ma do that from this point onward. I won't fix my mistakes.
So, like, we watched my movie, and then I wanted to show Michale over the Hedge but he lent out the bindre that had the DVD in it and we tcoulyn't watch it. I like that movie lits, and Michael has it but hasn't watcbhed it. I wanted to sewatch it with him i\his frist time butnooo lits not here wee~
I;ve never even beeen tyipesty tipsy before. Sand I'm really fucking tired, so this is amplified and stuff. I've always been anti-alcohol, and, like, geeze....Why?! Thisi is kinda cool. It's not like I wanna go out and becoma a like a binge alcohol drinker but yeah. This isn't tlloo bad. It does sent my typing to shit, though.
I remember when one time Jenna was typing to me when she was drunk. I mean, geeze, she was acutually shiot-faced, I'm just a little bizuzzed... It iiiiss my first time though, so, like, whee!~
I was like, "How to I celebrate my first time, nahyaaangh? I klno9w~ LJ posted!" SAoooo I diisd.
Man it's a liot easier to type when I don't give a shit about the drunken mistakes.
I feel like such a pussy. I bet that everyone who reads this has been shit[-faced plenty of itimes and t his ie like nothing to them. I know that Michael can down a half bottle of VOdka before he really cfeels anything.
Anyone else seen V for Ventdattea and really like it? The lesbaian part made Michael like get tears in his eyes. it IS a realyl sad part. I thought that by then people would realize that no one in theri right mind would EVER shchooose to be a faggot. Fucking assholges...
Michael wants mt to feel soemthing really weird brb.
Ok I'm back he wanted me to feel the old stab wound in hois leg. It like, parted the muscles and stuff and feels pretty cool,. I like Michael, he's a goood friend.
So yeah now Michael says I need to rtry acid juust once and now I'm like, "Uuuuhh... No that's bad for you lol" and Michael is all like "Nah youre over 15 and just doing it once won't do anything do you and everyone needs to try it at least once."
Soooo... What do you think? I've always been anti-drug and anti-alcohol. I had the Midori today cause it was weeks ouold and there wasn't much left and I was just curious and shit. I mean, I can still say no. I said no to Michael when he told me to blow him right now. Ht was jus tplaying with me though lol. Silly Michael!
He was testing me, is all. And, hooray, I passed the test! I'm, not druink enough to sjusty saaay yes wehee~
I should just go now. And, meeeh, I broke my rule and had to fiz a few typos cause some of those were so bad I couldn't even figure ou t what I was trying to say. Iw as like, thinking the word, buuut my fingers were otoally going to the wrong keys and shit.
fuuuuck I sould go.
Hooorays for first drunk. Oh, and 23. Thwas t was a tfucking awsesome movie and I order you all fto go see it. After I wsaw it, I wen t home and I goundt the base guitar half I got from that one rock converty and it was signed on 6/10/2005 an d it added up to 23~ It was scary. CSince, I've been seeing 23's everywheres and it's cree[y./ I teven see the numbers from the badr kcode on the back of my V for efendetta case adding up to 23 in like two pairs and shit.
yeah that's kinda Creepy buut yeah... I should fo now, maybe I wasn't at the hight of my buzzzinedss back when I though I was. Cuaese...FUCK! FDAMN FUCKING TTYPOSE!!
Forgicve me for the shittingess of this ost. I can't squite bring myself to care that much right nooow,.
Whee, bye bye.
Sai0Saio the Drunk Skunk
P.S. Purple draghon it my faaavorite dragon. Caus e he's not broken and I like him.
Varzenb is my favotie fox cause he locves me and loves on me.
P.S.S. I really am not drunk promise I can still walk in a straight linke and follow Michale's fingerts with my eyues. He saud I'm not drunk!
P.S.S.S. I love the Masochism Tango. Tom Lehrer is a genius.