I'm sure everyone's heard of joygasms: the phenomenon of having a sudden orgasm from something that causes you just that much joy and has nothing to do with anything sexual. Sure we use the term all the time, but has anyone ever really had one? Can they really happen? Well, I used to not really think so, until...
So it was last Monday I think, awhile ago, yeah. I had to drive my clunky Kia Sportage around cause the little Mazda was, well, dead. I was feeling kinda upset about stuff and was just angry at the world in general while driving out of the college parking lot to head home. Madonna's Die Another Day was blaring and it was nice, but I'd heard it so many times before... I was like, "Fuck this" and turned off the road and headed towards the mall.
So, I get there, and I park, and I get out and lock the doors and start stomping my way towards the mall, on a mission for something happy. I'm fuming and pissed off and I walk in and right towards f.y.e and walk in and find that new Sonata Arctica album that was recorded live and I wanted and I slap it down on the counter and start growling at the dude until he rings it up. I think it was appropriate, seeing as there's an angry wolf on the album cover, nyah.
http://www.sonata-arctica.info/pochettes/forthesakeofrevenge/cd-front.jpg So, now I have my thingy-thingy, and I run out of the mall and start trying to tear the damn plastic off and I'm like "RAWRGH!" and some people from my college English class walk by and they're like "Hey Tom :0" and I'm like "Hi." and they walk past me into the mall and I finally get all the plastic off and run back to my car and start driving off.
The album was beautiful... When they got to the part where they sung Replica live (track 10), I was just like "OMG..." and it was really amazing and I was shaking and in my pants was all like "OMG!!" and I, stupidly, was like "Hey don't do that there!" and it didn't wanna listen but I managed to quell it!
Had I let go, though, yeah... It was just THAT good. Omg. x.x
So, yeah, that's how I discovered that joygasms exist... They're obviously really rare, though, because you need to be absolutely blown away by something you love that isn't sexual. Most guys will probably never feel one during their lives, and I've come to name it the female orgasm of male orgasms. I don't have a name to give it for girls, because it's already hard enough to get them off even when it IS sexual. >.>
It was a very nice ride home, which was nice, because life has been hard lately... I'll make a few more posts when I can, breaking all the new stuff that's happened into smaller posts instead of one big thingy. I've been bad about posting lately, sorry.
Stay tuned!
Sai-Sai, the late for class skunk *Runs!*