(no subject)

May 08, 2005 16:47

There's more to managing horses than simply caring for them, and well Susan knows it. And so, having obtained a leather-bound ledger and a set of quill-pens from the bar--

(sunlight in the air and dust lying on the desk in Pat Delgado's office)

--she sets about making a stockline record-book for the Milliways stables.

The light through the window falls on the desk where she sits as she works, frowning slightly in concentration as she writes in a combination of the letters she knows and those she's carefully copied from the nameplates Helen has put up in the stables.

When finished, Susan closes the ledger and sets the book carefully back on the shelf, then pulls a second ledger down. In this one, on a page left blank for such purpose at the beginning of the book-- before a series of records on details of grain and hay consumption, tack repair and other notes of daily work-- she makes meticulous note of Clarice's employment and the terms of same, dating it neatly when finished.

She sets that book aside as well, and finally drafts a letter as a report for Bernard, detailing events that he might find of interest. Upon finishing that, Susan stands up, stretching, and then picks up the letter and heads out to the main bar.
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