like everything good in this world, this idea was concieved on a canoe. now, with no further ado:
(in no particular order, other than the order in which I remember them, in which case it could be called an order of the subconcious, if you will):
- a grey wood pecker, pecking
- two moose, or as I like to call them: meese
- squirls, and chipmunks (one of which was ALL OVER jen)
- ducks, loons, and great blue herons
- lil' slimy slug
- fox, or something foxish
- more birds
- lil' fishies
all in all a great group of guests for my somewhat suprise birthday algonquin weekend. thanks jen. I WOVE YOU.
Let ye all be warned: next time we do this we will take you too. and im thinking of going backpacking here: