-Built new computer.
*NVIDIA GeForce 6 series GPU
*Asus A7v8x-la Motherboard
*Anatel Sound card
*OCZ 500 SxS Power Supply (currently in use)
*2 HD (one SATA, one molex)
*2 optical drives (molex)
-Video works, audio untested (no speakers)
-Move to new locations, buy new Acer moniter: no video (monitor x-tested fine)
-Buy new speakers: no audio.
-Open box, reseat everything, discover computer is underpowered, unplug optical drives: yes video, no audio.
-Buy OCZ power supply, splice cords to increase molex connectors: no video, no audio, no optical drives, yes keyboard, yes mouse.
Photos of guts if that helps Thoughts?