May 19, 2004 20:32
.::last cigarette::. blaahhh, never in a life time
.::last car ride::. ride home w/ Deborraa
.::last kiss::. cant recall
.::last good cry::. i dont shed emotions.
.::last library book checked out::. dont even think ive ever checked out a book
.::last movie seen:: Father Of the Bride Part 2
.::last book read::. To Kill A Mockingbird
.::last cuss word uttered:: f*bomb
.::last beverage drank:: Iced Latte
.::last food consumed:: Britt's bagel bites and pizza shit
.::last phone call:: Sara D
.::last tv show watched:: Real World
.::last time showered:: last night
.::last shoes worn:: ae flip flops
.::last cd played:: Now 14
.::last item bought:: cosmo magazine, tampons, and a pack of gum
.::last downloaded:: sweeney's shit that he send me
.::last annoyance:: dad trying to rub his blood in my hair
.::last disappointment:: today
.::last soda drank:: last week
.::last thing written:: note to Sara
.::last key used:: tab
.::last word spoken:: "uggh i hate chicks"
.::last sleep:: in mcas today
.::last im::. sweeney
.::last weird encounter:: dunno
.::last ice cream eaten:: chocolate
.::last time amused:: dunnooo
.::last time in love:: never, love stinks
.::last time hugged::. dad
.::last chair sat in:: computer chair
.::last lipstick used: Bonnebelle crap
.::last underwear worn::. ae boy shorts
.::last shirt worn:: baby blue af jacket
.::last time dancing:: monday night, doin the bad boy
.::last poster looked at:: the poster my dad drew me telling me i was gay
.::last show attended:: dunno
.::last webpage visited:: lora's lj (stole this from there)
1 MINUTE AGO: was typing this survey
1 HOUR AGO: w/ bd and lora
1 DAY AGO: at retarded softball
1 WEEK AGO: i cant even remember yesterday
1 YEAR AGO: uhhh
current clothes: pink af shorts and a blue jacket
current mood: confused
current music: Lillix/Its about time
current taste: mint gum
current hair: messsy
current annoyance: girls
current smell: dads burnt cupcakes
current thing i should be doing: showering
current desktop picture: boring gateway sign
current refreshment: water
current worry: passing school