Well, we are sick here. :(
Mikey got it first; he started off with a mild fever last Thursday morning, but it spiked pretty fast and he was pretty miserable for a couple of days. Friday morning, he woke up really early and Joe took him downstairs to get a drink of water and some medicine and he threw up. That was the only time he threw up, thank goodness; it's mostly been fever and listlessness. He started having diarrhea yesterday, and I figure that's his body finally managing to get rid of the virus, because his fever was gone this morning.
Our parish picnic is today, and I'd been hoping that Mikey would be well enough for us to go... unfortunately, an hour before bedtime last night Raph started acting overly tired. At first we were just happy that he'd gone to bed early, but when he just laid in bed making unhappy noises every once in awhile but not actually sleeping, we became suspicious and sure enough, he was running a mild fever. We gave him some medicine because we knew the fever would get worse; unfortunately, that didn't stop him from waking us up at about 5:30 this morning by puking in his crib. Poor kid! The only thing worse than being woken up by somebody else throwing up is being the one throwing up. :( I picked him up and cleaned him off (luckily he wasn't really that bad) and tried to comfort him while Joe changed out the sheets and blankets in his crib. He was falling back to sleep on my shoulder, so we laid him back down and jumped in the shower, hoping the running water would help him sleep. He was fully back to sleep when we got out, and we were fully awake.
Around 6:45, Leo got up. That's his usual time, so no worries, right? Well, he asked for a drink of water because his throat hurt, so we checked his temperature and sure enough, he had a mild fever. Sigh. He's been sleeping on the couch on and off all morning. I tried to catch a couple of winks on the other couch while Joe ran some errands, but Mikey's return to his healthy, energetic self is not conducive to any rest on my part.
So, no picnic for us today. Also, my mom told me she won't let my brother babysit our kids for us tomorrow (we have our appointment with the pediatric neurosurgeon) because she doesn't want him getting sick. I understand her reasoning, but it's still frustrating. I'm not sure what we're going to do.
At least Joe is off work today and tomorrow; he's such a huge help around the house and with the kids.