Hey Peeps

Aug 16, 2004 10:56

Okay. I'm finally gonna start updating this thing. Saturday I went to my dad's house and we went out fo rlunch around 12:30. I asked my brothers to go but mikey had his girlfirend over and Danny wasn't up yet so I didn't get ot see them. We went back to my dad's house after going to Walgreens where i got a magazine to overcome boredom and chilled at his house. Then my dad had to take me home b/c he was going to this conert thing with his friend Tommy D, who he's known sine like he was 4 years old. Neways, my dad tells me that he's not gonna work @ the middle school nemore and is going to the high school, which kind of made me upset b/c I think i'm rly gonna need him this year for support so I don't break down and cry everyday in school( I suffer from mild depression and social anxiety disorder). But at least I'll get to see him 4 years straight in the high school, though he'll prolly be more busy there than @ the Middle School. So I called Angela to tell her Happy Birthday and she said I could come over 'bout 7. That was a problem, my mom and step-dad were going out to dinner @ 6:20 and I couldn't ride my bike there b/c my mom dodn't want me riding it back in the dark, so I asked Emily Allen to take me and she said sure. relief. While I was waiting for emily Ellie was gettin' ready to go see the Village ( a horrible nd funny movie that was supposed to be scary but wasn't at all). So Emily drives me to Angela's and Mike Ayler os already there. We watched her get her black belt on video, omg she did an amazing job!!. Faith came over then Anna r and then finally David Ayler. We took a walk around the block and Anna drops Angela's phone and starts screaming lol that was funny, she saw a bug. And then I had the idea of making pyro and lighting the bug spray on fire with the lighter..wow that was cool. We had cookie cake and ice cream and chilled in Angela's bedroom until my mom came. Unfortunatly she dragged my step-dad with her. I rly wish she wouldn't but w/e..

Alrighty I'm gonna go and write another entry lol
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